all postcodes in NE12 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE12 5BA 0 55.041994 -1.570337
NE12 5BB 0 55.042447 -1.571428
NE12 5BD 0 55.041316 -1.571737
NE12 5BE 0 55.042678 -1.565823
NE12 5BF 0 55.042199 -1.567471
NE12 5BG 0 55.041978 -1.568755
NE12 5BH 0 55.042943 -1.569513
NE12 5BJ 0 55.042263 -1.570381
NE12 5BL 0 55.042725 -1.571456
NE12 5BN 0 55.041822 -1.572639
NE12 5BP 0 55.041676 -1.572093
NE12 5BQ 0 55.041675 -1.571608
NE12 5BR 0 55.042878 -1.568747
NE12 5RF 3 55.043738 -1.584026
NE12 5SN 1 55.041691 -1.586677
NE12 5SP 1 55.039906 -1.585084
NE12 5SR 1 55.041118 -1.584774
NE12 5UJ 34 55.042322 -1.585058
NE12 5US 12 55.041997 -1.584405
NE12 5UT 6 55.043113 -1.579621